5 Ways To Tell If You’re a Badass Archetype
To be honest, if you’re a Badass archetype it’s quite surprising you’re even reading this. Badasses aren’t really the reflective type, nor do they like to be labelled or categorised.
They’re the James Dean of the business world. Charming, mysterious, leather-jacket clad cool kids who don’t have time for woke business quizzes that are supposed to tell you what kind of a brand archetype you are.
The thing is… you’re here for a reason. There might be something missing from your business and you’re looking for answers. You might need some help with the money part of your business (a notorious rough spot for Badasses) or you might simply be having a contrarian reaction to the suggestion that you’re a Badass and you want to read this article to prove you AREN’T one (hot tip: If you’re feeling that way, you are most certainly a Badass. Soz about that.).
We can all benefit from learning more about ourselves, so we can apply that to our businesses but where the hell are we supposed to start?
Right here.
Seriously - here is a Brand Archetype quiz that will tell you exactly what your business vibe is and how you can use this information to stay on brand and create the kind of environment your customers love and expect.
There are 12 different Brand Archetypes. Healer, Badass, Alchemist, Innocent, Explorer, Everyman, Hero, Jester, Lover, Sage, Queen and Creator.
1. You ALWAYS stand up for what you believe in
Which is excellent but also terrifying. Other archetypes are afraid of you. You’re like Miranda Priestly ‘Florals? For Spring? Ground breaking.’
It’s highly likely you were accused of being opinionated in high school and if you’re a woman you’ve probably been called ‘bossy’ more times than you can count. The words ‘troublemaker’ and ‘ring leader’ and ‘caught smoking behind the bike sheds’ were featured heavily on most of your report cards. You probably did lots of angry collages in art class, made your Home Ec teacher cry and were so frequent in the detention room the monitor had a desk reserved for you at all times.
You probably have a bit of a chip on your shoulder because of all this which is fair enough because Badasses aren’t bad people, they’re just misunderstood. Unfortunately this causes a lot of Badasses to flip everyone the bird and run away with the circus BUT the world needs your voice. True Badasses are actually quite rare and they’re the truth-finders of the world. Not only will Badasses FIND the truth they will also speak it. Very valuable and powerful people these Badasses.
Don’t let the haters get you down. We need loud, proud, passionate people who aren’t afraid to tell the world what’s right.
Besides, I can guarantee every person you went to school with remembers you. ‘Oh I remember Annabelle Brown! She punched that guy from the boys school next door because he called her best friend frigid.’
This is a true story. Annabelle was rad. As are you, fiery Badass.
2. You are Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russel level committed to everything you do
It’s a common misconception that Badasses are flighty. They’re actually the opposite. Once they commit to something, it’s on like Donkey Kong. It’s almost impossible to get rid of a Badass once they become your friend but why would you want to get rid of a Badass friend? They’re fiery, loyal and an absolute scream to hang out with. Badasses are rad.
If you’re a Badass, use this to your advantage. Use your conviction and willpower to deliver the very best of everything to your customer base. You have the drive, you just have to hone and tighten your focus.
3. The greatest marketing trick of all time aligns perfectly with your archetype - shock value
Can you imagine a Lover archetype swearing like a sailor and get their kit off on Instagram? No? Neither can I.
The thing is, using some colourful language and a cheeky bit of nudity is one of the oldest tricks in the book for getting some attention on social media and no archetype can get away with it except Badasses. It looks way too much like a desperate grab for attention from everyone else but from a Badass? It’s awesome.
Look for opportunities to use this behavioural get out of jail free card whenever you can. It’s a gift. Use it.
4. You share an archetype with Angelina Jolie, Madonna and Miley Cyrus
These great Badass women before you have set the bar pretty high on scandals - nudity, vulgar performances, pashing their own brother on international television (Angelina for those playing at home) - you have some pretty big shoes to fill.
It’s not just perceived ‘bad behaviour’ that defines a Badass, it’s their unrelenting passion and drive towards their goals that truly lets the world know who they are.
What else do Angelina, Madonna and Miley have in common? They have rabid, angry and truly loyal fans. Especially Angelina - remember Team Aniston and Team Jolie? Jolie was a low key homewrecker and somehow ended up with a massive tribe of supporters. Why? Because she’s magnificent and powerful and you can’t help but be totally in awe of her.
True Badasses create strong, loyal tribes and this should be used to your advantage.
5. You need to keep an eye on your energy levels
If you want to get shit done, ask a Badass to do it.
The problem is that Badasses suffer burnout, resentment and exhaustion from doing ALL THE THINGS ALL THE TIME.
Hot tip: Calm your farm sweet Badass. Be in control of your energy levels and take some time out for self care.
‘What?’ I hear you say ‘But if I’m resting, who will save the world?’
This is a very popular Badass trope but I can assure you, if you take the afternoon off to rest (or run a relaxing marathon as Badasses like to do) the world will still be available for rescuing when you’ve recharged your batteries.
Pretty sure you’re a Badass but want to lock it in?
Take our quiz now to discover your brand archetype so you can build the right strategic foundation for your online presence.